Thursday, September 15, 2016

5 Ways for Businesses to Raise Their Local Profile

local business storefront

When a new business is just starting there's no better way to raise awareness than to reach out to the community that you're now part of. Unforuntately this could be easier said than done. While some entrepreneurs may think that customers will suddenly flock to their store as soon as they open their doors that's simply not the case.

In today's world there are plenty of people who want to support local businesses but they need to know you exist first. With that in mind here are five ideas for how you can raise the profile of your small business and get the attention of local customers:

Attend community events

Whether it's a farmer's market or a county fair, there are tons of opportunities to meet potential customers in your area. In some cases you may want to consider getting a booth/tent where you can promote your business but in other cases you might just be able to send someone to the events and have them hand out coupons that will send people your way. Additionally, if you're hiring, job fairs are a perfect way to not only find great candidates to work with but to also network with fellow business owners.  

Partner with other small businesses

Speaking of networking, creative and collaborative promotions with other businesses in your area can be very beneficial for everyone involved. For example, if your location is near a movie theatre, perhaps you could advertise a special discount for patrons who present their ticket stub at the time of purchase. But don't stop there — the possibilities are only limited by your imagination and willingness to work with other entrepreneurs. Maybe you could even arrange a "Tour of [Your City]" passport promotion that rewards customers who visit all of the participating retailers. Again, think outside the box a little in order to create something truly special and interesting within your community.

Get to know your local TV/radio stations

Not only do local television affiliates and radio stations make for great traditional advertising outlets but you might be able to earn yourself some free promotion as well. Local news producers are always looking for experts on certain topics that can add to segments they're working on. By establishing yourself as an expert in your field (or any field really), there's a good chance they'll call on you when needed. Plus, with seemingly every culinary dish and industry service having its own national holiday, there may also be some tie-in opportunities for morning newscasts to do live remotes from your location — hey, you never know. 

Sponsor charity fundraisers

Every year national and local charities put on a number of fundraisers such as fun runs and 5Ks to raise awareness for certain diseases or to accomplish other goals. Most of the times these events are also looking for sponsors. Not only is this a great opportunity for you to give back to the community and show that you care but it's also a good way to get your name out there. Even if you're not a headlining sponsor that gets their name on the t-shirts given to race participants you may be able to offer coupons that can be included in goodie bags or even donate items to be raffled off. Also be sure to attend the event itself for an additional chance to meet people from your community. 

Small Business Saturday

It's almost here again — Small Business Saturday, which follows Thanksgiving and Black Friday and falls on November 26th this year, is a relatively new holiday invented to encourage shoppers to patronize their local retailers. That date will arrive faster than you think so now is a great time to start planning what you can do to really make an impact. Once again, partnering with other businesses on Small Business Saturday can be a great idea but don't be afraid to also get creative on your own and experiment with promotional plans you may want to utilize again in the future.

When it comes to small businesses, it's your community that will make or break you. For that reason it's important to do everything you can to make sure that people are aware of you and what you offer. Additionally embracing your community and showing pride in it will make others want to support you, helping to ensure your success. So get out there and get to know your neighbors!

5 Ways for Businesses to Raise Their Local Profile was previously published on

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