Thursday, May 19, 2016

Looking for Entrepreneurial Advice? Check Snapchat

Snapchat-1600x380Just when you thought you knew all about Snapchat it manages to surprise you again. Against all odds the app that seemed prohibitively geared towards young people has expanded into attracting advertisers and now even some business professionals. As Digiday reports some of Snapchat's latest power users are entrepreneurs with startup advice to share. One such entrepreneur and Snapchat user is Navid Nathoo who says he uses the app to give his thoughts on sales, marketing, and other business topics. Instead of spending time brainstorming and writing articles for a blog post on LinkedIn or his own website, Nathoo says that the Snapchat platform is very natural and makes it easy to speak off the top of his head. “I have a really tight schedule every day. With Snapchat, I don’t need to spend time going over my writing and worry about grammatical errors... I can just click and speak my mind without preparing anything,” he said. Typically Nathoo provides what are known as "Snapstorms" which may consist of up to 50 posts on a topic or as part of a debate that appear in his Story (a collection of posts that a user's followers can view for 24 hours). Nathoo isn't alone either. Venture capitalist Mark Suster reports using the Snapchat platform to share his experiences and insights over the past four months or so. Beyond just wanting to help young entrepreneurs part of Suster's job is to find new ventures to invest in. As he noted, "My target audience is 21- to 32-year-old entrepreneurs who need early-stage capital, and this group is on Snapchat. It would be crazy if I’m not on a platform where my audience is.” Suster also appreciated the time limits Snapchat puts on posts. He says this forces him to be hyper-efficient when speaking as opposed to live-steaming apps like Periscope where he may veer off topic. As Snapchat continues to grow Inc. even suggests the app could overtake LinkedIn as a top platform for discussions among professionals and startups. Some of the advantages they point are similar to ones Nathoo and Suster discussed, as well as mentioning the potential for increased engagement on Snapchat. Additionally, with the app's track record for creativity and versatility, there's no saying what innovations could follow. Overall Snapchat is becoming a bigger deal to small businesses and startups than anyone could have imagined. Although not mentioned in the Digiday article another early adopter and big proponent of Snapchat is marketing guru Gary Vaynerchuk who has shared his tips for getting more followers on the app. Whether you're looking to gain some entrepreneurial knowledge, network with other small business owners, or reach a new audience it seems that Snapchat is now the place to be.

Looking for Entrepreneurial Advice? Check Snapchat was previously seen on

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